HOME PRODUCT Organic humic acids fertilizer

Organic humic acids fertilizer

There are many ways your soil and plants can benefit from the power of humic acids.

For farmers, the most important effects are:

Increased plant growth and yield. 

Less fertilizer consumption, increase in fertilizer use efficiency, resulting in lower costs.

Better resistance against germs and pathogens. 

Increased soil quality through stimulation of soil life and retrieval of the soil’s natural fertility.

Humic acids occur naturally in healthy soils but are dramatically lacking in arable lands worldwide today. 

We obtain our humic acids from Inner Mongolia Leonardite, a highly oxidized form of brown coal. 

Since more than 15 years, our humic acids products help solving the most pressing problems of farmers in 70 countries throughout the globe – in a way that is not only good for farmers, but also for our planet.